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Flower Bulbs & Perennials at Wholesale Prices
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Bleeding Hearts (Dicentra)

This shade perennial plant appears quite delicate, bearing whip-thin scapes that are loaded with blooms in spring. Bleeding Heart bulbs are easy to grow and require little to no maintenance. Choose one (or more) of the spectacular Bleeding Heart plant varieties shown below and fill your garden with this gorgeous shade-loving plant you're sure to adore.

Dicentra (Bleeding Heart) For Sale From K. van Bourgondien

With its strikingly exotic good looks and early-season appeal, Bleeding Heart flowers make a fine addition to shady spaces in landscapes, borders, or formal garden beds. It's easy to see why Dicentra or Bleeding Hearts are a garden favorite—they readily produce unique pendant type, heart-shaped blooms that have become garden favorites over the decades.

Where to Plant a Bleeding Heart

Plant Bleeding Heart flowers in well-drained, humus-rich soil, in partial to full shade. It cannot tolerate constantly moist soil, but it may tolerate full sun in cool areas.

How to Care for a Bleeding Heart Plant

Plant Bleeding Heart roots at soil level approximately 12 - 18 inches apart. Blooming in late spring, remove the faded flowers regularly to promote lots of new buds to form.

How Big Does a Bleeding Heart Plant Get?

Bleeding Heart plants can grow up to 3 feet tall.

When to Plant Bleeding Heart Bulbs?

Bleeding Heart bareroots can be planted in either fall or spring.
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