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Japanese Iris

The captivating Japanese Iris grows tall and best in moist soil. Gardeners and landscapers looking to enhance water features in their garden love this summer blooming iris.

Iris ensata (Japanese Iris)

Japanese Iris flowers bears huge, 6" blooms with a gorgeous shape and crepe paper-like petals. Like smaller varieties of iris, these extra-large beauties thrive in moist soil near water features or at the edge of a sun-dappled pond. Japanese Irises also grows very well in regular soil, provided it is not allowed to dry out in spring and summer. The Japanese Iris flower naturalizes beautifully; returns yearly with greater vigor and increased bloom. Great cut flowers.

Planting Japanese Irises

Japanese irises grow 24-36" tall. Blooming in July, they are one of the last of the iris varieties to bloom. Japanese irises are hardy in zones 4-9.
  • Where to plant Japanese Iris—Plant Japanese iris rhizomes in slightly acidic to neutral, moisture-retentive soil in full sun to partial shade. This Iris is happy in shallow standing water during the summer months. It cannot tolerate hot, dry conditions.
  • How to plant Japanese Iris—Plant the rhizomes with the eyes just below the soil and 18-24" apart.
  • When do Japanese Iris bloom—Japanese irises bloom in July and are one of the last iris varieties to bloom.
  • When to divide Japanese Iris—Divide the rhizomes every 3-4 years as plants become crowded. Japanese Irises should be divided after flowering which is typically in fall. Replant the divisions immediately; do not let them dry.
  • When to cut back Japanese Iris—After Japanese Irises are done blooming, you may remove the spent flowers. This helps new flowers to bloom and keeps the plant looking attractive in your garden. However, wait until mid-fall to cut back the leaves to allow the rhizome to store up energy for the next year.
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