Ruffled petals swirl to form luscious double blooms of rich apricot-orange and gleaming copper that light up the landscape and fill the air with a sweet, fruity fragrance. Attractive, glossy green foliage covers the rounded bush that grows up to 4' high—perfect as an accent in the perennial garden or in the back border. Impressive disease resistance and nonstop bloom all season long earned this floribunda AARS honors in 1996.
Hardiness Zones 4-10
Mature Height 24 - 48 inches
Bloom Time Late spring to fall
Light Requirements Full Sun, Half Sun / Half Shade
Ship As36" TREE ROSE
Hardiness Zones 4-10
Mature Height 24 - 48 inches
Bloom Time Late spring to fall
Light Requirements Full Sun, Half Sun / Half Shade
Plant at the same level as the soil so the crown of the plant is even with the soil level. Don't bury the crown. Full sun is best for quicker flowering and higher quality plants.
Soil Moisture:
Well drained, humus enriched soil.
Pruning Instructions:
Prune to maintain shape and increase branching once established. Remove any dead or damaged branches. Shape plants at any time
Winter Care:
Mulch heavily around the base of the plant. Remove promptly in early spring.
Plant Calculator
Shipping Information
K. van Bourgondien times its shipments from Holland so that bulbs and bareroots arrive at the proper planting time (depending on climatic conditions) for each area of North America.
We take advanced orders, and as the crops are harvested, our staff of K. van Bourgondien experts makes an on-the-spot selection of the finest bulbs available to fill those reservations.
We will pack and ship your order based on the following schedules. The type of product you order or the weather may affect the anticipated shipping schedule.Please note that we cannot ship outside of the 48
contiguous states.What zone am I in?
In all cases, we choose the fastest, most efficient way to send your
orders via USPS or FedEx.
Orders for gift certificates will be shipped immediately.
Due to hot weather conditions, we are unable to ship any plant items from late June through August.
General merchandise will be shipped with your plant order.
Upon placing your order, you will receive an email confirmation with the details of your order and a shipping estimate. You will also receive an email notification when your order actually ships with an updated arrival estimate. If you have ordered multiple items, you may receive them in more than one shipment. We will send you a separate email confirming each shipment. Large orders may be shipped in more than one package. Your order confirmation will have an estimated shipping time.
You may check your order status at any time on this website using your email or account number provided on your order confirmation.
K. van Bourgondien times its shipments from Holland so that bulbs and bareroots arrive at the proper planting time (depending on climatic conditions) for each area of North America.
We take advanced orders, and as the crops are harvested, our staff of K. van Bourgondien experts makes an on-the-spot selection of the finest bulbs available to fill those reservations.
We will pack and ship your order based on the following schedules. The type of product you order or the weather may affect the anticipated shipping schedule.Please note that we cannot ship outside of the 48
contiguous states.What zone am I in?
In all cases, we choose the fastest, most efficient way to send your
orders via USPS or FedEx.
Orders for gift certificates will be shipped immediately.
Due to hot weather conditions, we are unable to ship any plant items from late June through August.
General merchandise will be shipped with your plant order.
Upon placing your order, you will receive an email confirmation with the details of your order and a shipping estimate. You will also receive an email notification when your order actually ships with an updated arrival estimate. If you have ordered multiple items, you may receive them in more than one shipment. We will send you a separate email confirming each shipment. Large orders may be shipped in more than one package. Your order confirmation will have an estimated shipping time.
You may check your order status at any time on this website using your email or account number provided on your order confirmation.
Order with complete confidence. We select and ship only the finest quality bulbs and perennials. We pack them carefully to ensure they arrive safely. If you are not pleased with your purchase, please call us at 1-800-552-9916 or email us at and our Customer Service representatives will be happy to help you obtain a merchandise credit. Your order is important to us, and we want you, our customer, to be completely satisfied.